2017年7月22日 星期六


1.     創投家:專. venture capitalist

2.     外資:專. foreign institutional investor (=FII); foreign direct investment (=FDI); foreign
3.     股價:專. stock/share price
4.     股東:專. stockholder; shareholder
5.     上市公司:慣. public/listed/public-trading company
6.     未上市公司:慣. privately-held company

〔例句〕Many European manufactures choose to/opt for stay/staying their status quo[1] as the privately-held companies, rather than/instead of going public. If they are/become public companies, they’ll be overwhelmed[2] by the nonstop[3] requests, interruptions[4], and comments[5] from the stockholders, local and foreign investors, as well as/and analysts and government. Besides/moreover/plus/and/next/then/in addition, the fluctuation[6] of the stock price is also one of their biggest concerns[7].

[1] . (維持)現狀
[2] . 使受不了; 壓倒; 淹沒
[3] . 不停地; 不斷地; 不休息地
[4] . 干擾
[5] . 評論
[6] . 波動=>fluctuate
[7] . 憂慮

7.     新興公司:慣. start-up (company)
8.     (股票/基金)首次公開發行:專. Initial Public Offering (=IPO)
9.     撙節(措施):專. austerity measures
10.  紓困(/計劃):專. bailout fund/plan

〔例句〕According to European Union (EU)’s bailout plan, Greece is required to put the austerity measures into practice[1] on a national scale in exchange for[2] the bailout fund.

[1] . put…in practice/place 實施中
[2] . 作為的交換

11.  創業基金:慣. seed money

     〔例句〕Even with the seed money, a bunch of start-ups in Silicon Valley (矽谷) are still waiting for[1] the ongoing[2] capital[3] input[4] from those so-called[5] venture capitalists before their products are able to/can/enable to hit the market and bring in[6] the cash. Otherwise[7], they’ll try to be financed[8] through crowdfunding platform[9].   

[1]  . 等候
[2]  . 進行中的
[3] . 資本; 首都; 大寫(<->lowercase)
[4] . 投入
[5] . 所謂的
[6] . 獲利
[7] . 否則; 不然
[8] . 資助
[9] . 平台

12.  網路募款:crowdfunding

綜合例句一:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.093例句1》

綜合例句二:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.093例句2》  

