2017年7月22日 星期六


1.     外包:句. have this (job) outsourced; contract this (project) out; farm out this (task)

2.     併購:動. (to) merge/acquire/consolidate; . merger; acquisition
3.     接管:片. take over
4.     (公司)重整/組:動. (to) restructure; . shake up
5.     (政壇)洗牌:動. (to) reshuffle

〔例句〕Once the election[1] outcome[2] is released, the cabinet[3] must experience the reshuffle in a substantial[4] scale.  

[1]  . 選舉=> elect v.
[2]  . 結果=result
[3]  . 內閣
[4]  . 大量的; 結實的; 富裕的; 基本上的

6.     (公司)破產:動. (to) bankrupt; . go under; /. (be) broke
7.     不履約/拖欠:動. (to) default; . arrears
8.     競爭者/對手:名. competitor; competition(總稱); proposition; contender; rival; opponent

9.     公司治理:專. corporate government

〔例句〕 Nobody could predict[1] that the Kodak, the one of the top corporations of Fortune 500 in the past decades, would go bankrupt and appeal to[2] the government for the help in its restructuring process. This case told us (that) how complicated thecorporate governance” could be. 

10.      合資企業:慣. joint venture 

〔例句〕This new bio-technology enterprise is the joint venture between two giant companies. (Being) Founded[1] two years ago, this start-up had been viewed as/seen as/regarded as/considered one of the businesses with the highest return on investment (ROI 投資報酬率) . However, it’s reported (that) 被報導/據說 the new firm defaulted on its accounts payable (AP 應收賬款<-> accounts receivable 應收賬款) last month.     

綜合例句一:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.092例句1》

綜合例句二:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.092例句2》  

[1]  . 建造

[1]  . 預測
[2]  文句. 訴諸; 呼籲

