壹、〈求職英語〉簡式速成教材 上 -英文履歷表這樣寫就對啦
下- 英語面試最常出現的12道題型
不管怎麼樣,及早完成外企面試接招的3步驟: 寫好、改好、背好。惟有如此, 一旦意想不到的好機會”忽然”來臨時,才不致於手忙腳亂,大大增加成功達陣的勝算呢!
- 目的:掌握應徵者的過去主要經驗、並發掘其個人特質。
- 重點:將75%以上的份量,放在對自己往昔與目前職涯經歷、及豐功偉業的描述。之後才提到學歷、在職進修面的概述。家庭面及個性面,在有限時間內,均可不用提。
- Tell me more about yourself.
- Tell
me a little more about your work history.
- Which one or two or few words best describe you?
- How would you say about your attitude and/or philosophy towards work?
- If I spoke to your former colleague or boss, what would they say about you?
第2題:應徵理由 & 對該職位的了解度
- 目的:掌握應徵者有無做足功課、並有無自信能夠勝出。
- 重點:事先一定得做研究或調查,對此職位、公司與產業,培養一定程度的了解。在回答時,除了要信心十足強調自己是完美人選外,還要能清楚地找出和表達,自己跟其它求職者之正面性不同之處。
- Why are you interested in this position?
- Why do you
consider yourself qualified for the job?
- What do you know about this company/position?
- How familiar are you with our corporation/this position?
- Why would you like to work for us?
- What challenges do you think you’ll face in this job?
- What kinds of skills do you think this position would require?
- Why should we hire you?
- What makes you the best person for this job?
- And what do
you think you can do for us that other candidates cannot?
- What is most important to you in a job?
- What’s your
ideal position like?
第3題:離職原因 & 有關目前或上一份工作內容
- 目的:掌握應徵者想/已離職理由、及在職場馬拉松賽上的穩定性、履行度及耐力度。
- 重點:不管對方怎麼引誘,切記別透露或抱怨現在、或前一份工作中的不好或不開心部份,這樣子情緒化會顯得很幼稚!盡可能只把想要尋求更上一層樓、在更大的國際舞台發展下一步,作為該答案主軸。
- Why do you want to leave your current employer?
- Why did you leave your last job?
- What did you like most about your previous/last job?
- What is/was the worst part in your present/last job? And how did/do you pull through those parts you disliked?
- 目的:掌握應徵者足以出線的相關能力與經驗。
- 重點:必須多用"實際的數據及資料"等,而非僅僅是一堆抽象的形容詞,來佐證你/妳往昔的優異表現。
- What have you done as the most successful performance in your career?
- What project or task have you ever achieved brilliantly?
- Tell
me what have you done so far that made you and your boss take pride in?
- 目的:掌握應試者工作上及性格面的具體強弱項。
- 重點:在講到自我缺點時,記得講出來的必須是一種“似是而非"的答案,也就是那種乍聽下似乎是一種缺點、但細想後、卻是一種出色優勢的陳述。
- What would you say are your greatest strength/biggest weakness?
- What are your strong/weak points?
- What are some things you’re good/bad at?
- What
are the areas where you may need improvement?
- How are you at multitasking?
- How good are you in terms of time management?
- How do you handle stress, pressure and deadline?
- How do you take on the challenge of managing responsibilities?
- Have you ever managed a project where multiple
team members must collaborate?
- How are you at working with a team?
- How do you cope with disagreements with colleagues?
- Were there any confrontations at work between you and your boss? If yes, how did you cope with it?
- 目的:考驗應徵者是否有失敗中謀求成功的樂觀與信心、並發揮愈戰愈勇的精神。
- 重點:描述人生不如意、或職場失敗經驗時,千萬別把故事細節描述得過於詳細;最重要的是:著重在失敗為成功之母;從此些遭遇中,你/妳得到的正面力量為何? 後來的成長在哪些方面顯露無遺?
- What was the biggest challenge you've ever faced in your career? And how did you handle it?
- How did you manage difficulties in the workplace? Say an example.
- When a problem or crisis occurred, how did you cope with it?
- What has been your greatest failure?
- Tell me about a time when a team or project did not go smoothly in your life.
- How
do you handle others ‘criticism?
- 目的:考驗應徵者是否有帶領團隊、成功達成業績或專案目標的經驗、本事及氣度。
- 重點:佐證舉出自我嫻熟的管理力及值得令人託付的可靠形象,包括帶/管人的巧妙處、對大局市場的認知、與企業更高層主管的良好互動經驗、以及願為公司承擔更多責任等。
- Tell me more about your management experience.
- How are you good at managing people?
- How would you describe your management style?
- Have you ever had to fire someone? And how did you address the tough situation?
- Tell me about your experience managing departments?
- What’s
the most important thing in leading a large division?
- 目的:掌握應徵者的企圖心及穩定度。
- 重點:若你/妳目前、或真還有在幾年後重返校園、追求更高學位的計劃,此時此刻最好把它隱藏起來。即使想坦白以告,也須強調你是用兼職方式進行,對於完成該工作並不會造成任何影響。一個無論再怎麼大器的企業,除非你/妳已是在其中工作、甚至是表現優異的老鳥了;否則,它都不會想要聘僱一個有可能很快就又要離職、追尋個人理想的員工。資方/公司面永遠都需要其員工的忠誠、穩定、及全力以赴。
- Where do you see yourself in three/five years?
- What are your goals at work/in life?
- What
are you pursuing in your career development?
- 目的:再次掌握應徵者對此工作職位的嫻熟度,及與他人不同的自信心及計劃性。
- 重點:強調以過去的訓練、專業及熱情,自己可以馬上對新公司作出貢獻。若過去經常跳槽,那麼就得及早想好怎麼回答此異常敏感的問題了!
- If you’re hired, what immediate contribution could you make to our team?
- And what would you plan to do to change our market situation like that?
- How long would you stay with us if you were hired?
第10題: 個人休閑興趣及嗜好
- 目的:了解應徵者不工作時是如何消磨時間-其私人活動的形態,有時會對某些產業或公司,顯現某種程度的重要性。
- 重點:回答要精簡、不須在此題上著墨過多。雖然是誠實作答即可;不過,某些時候,比方說你/妳的嗜好太奇怪或太幼稚、或是你/妳要應徵的是比較重要的管理職,那麼就免不了得做一些隱藏或修飾的工夫了喔。
- What are your hobbies?
- What are you usually doing when you don’t need to work?
- What do you do in your free time?
- 目的:掌握應徵者實務上的期待及機動性等,能否配合公司預算及政策。
- 重點:這種敏感問題,在主考官沒提及前,都不要主動談到。而一旦開始討論此層次議題時,雖可誠實以告,比方說期待薪資,但在經濟不景氣大環境下,若自己真想進該企業做事,取得該工作,就別忘了謙虛加上”但我一切可遵照貴公司政策行事”一句結尾詞。至於商英力不佳的求職者,不管實際上有沒有在學英語/文,都得強調自己在此領域上的努力及決心,假以時日,對方必會見到自己的突破與成效。
- What’s your anticipated salary?
- What is the minimum acceptable salary for you?
- Are there any reasons to support your expected salary?
- Can you explain why you feel the higher salary is reasonably expected?
- If you have to work long hours, how do you see that impacting your family life since you’re a mother of two?
- This position requires frequent biz trips, including overseas trips. Does it okay for your family life? Will your husband and kids accept such lifestyle of yours?
- Are you willing to relocate for this position?
- We
are an American company. English is dominant in our global communications.
At this point, what's your plan on advancing your overall biz English competence?
- 目的:間接掌握應徵者是否具有策略性發展的本事及格局。
- 重點:最多3道問題就好。為了顯現你/妳是有大器的專業經理人,得先從具備大方向觀點的問題開始問起,比方說有關此公司及產業的發展方針等等; 再問到有關此職位的切身事,比如公司對此職位的目標及期待、公司組織圖等等。記住:若對方是某大公司的中高階主管,就千萬不要提問一些小事如薪水/請假/員購等福利問題〈可把這種問題留待請教人事部經理〉。
- I heard your plans to enter the China market. Could you tell me more about this?
- What’s your company/division’s major biz goal, strategy, and focus next year?
- What are the biggest opportunities and threats of this corporation/brand at present?
- What’s your expectation for this position I’m applying for?
- May I have a clear organizational chart regarding this large-scale company?
- Will
there be any higher spot that this position can be moved to if he or she
performs excellently enough?