2017年7月22日 星期六


1.     開帳戶:動. (to) open an account

2.     ()存:專. current/demand/savings deposit/account
3.     定存:專. CD(certified deposit)
4.     支票帳戶:專. checking account

〔例句〕Before (接子句或N.) you’d like to receive the monthly salaries, you have to/must open an account. On top of[1] the current deposit, you’re encouraged to open an extra/additional checking account. Once (一旦接子句; 用現在式) you accumulate a certain amount of money, you may transfer them to[2] the time deposit account to earn the better interest gains[3].

[1] . 之上/之外
[2] 文句. A轉到B
[3] . 收益

5.     ()摺:動. (to) update the bankbook/passbook
6.     開支票:慣. write/make/draw/issue/cut a check
7.     跳票:慣. bounced check
8.     空頭支票:慣. bad/rubber check
9.     背書:動. (to) endorse; =>celebrity endorsement:慣. 名人背書推薦(行銷策略)

〔例句〕 For a typical[1] businessman, to trade/trading goods by writing the checks is a very common[2] payment way. If the bounced check and/or bad check happens/occurs, what he would suffer (from)[3] in the market is not only the loss of his reputation, but also the impact of the lawsuits.

[1] . 典型的
[2] . 普遍的
[3] 文句. 之苦

10.  //保證金:專. deposit

11.  頭期款:專. down payment
12. 分期付款:installment payment
13. 成交:seal/strike/close/conclude/settle a/the eal/business

    〔例句〕 Congratulation on/I congratulate on your concluding the deal in the property/real estate market. This is a beautiful flat/apartment/condominium[1] in downtown. All you need to pay now, that is (那就是), down payment, is only 30% of the finalized[2] price. As for the remaining[3] money, the 20-year, 240-period installment payment is accepted. 

綜合例句:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.095例句》

[1] . 公寓
[2] . 最後定案的
[3] . 剩餘的=residual

