2017年7月22日 星期六


1.     辭職:動. (to) resign/quit; . resignation; . call it quits; bow out

2.     報到:慣. (come) on board; report to work
3.     聘雇書:慣. (employment/job) offer letter
4.     新人訓練:專. orientation
5.     (工作)沒有前景:慣. a dead-end/no-promising job
6.     (企業內)小咖:慣. a small potato/beer; Jack-a-lent; a cog in a wheel/the machine
7.     (工作)交接:慣. handover

〔例句〕For those who’d like to jump ship in this bad economy, it’s strongly advisable[1] that no resignation should be submitted[2] to the current[3] boss before the formal[4] offering letter from the next company is secured[5]. And even after your quitting the job, a smoothly[6] responsible handover is necessarily[7] expected. Comments from the former colleagues and supervisors could be very vital[8] in your credential[9] and resume[10].   

[1] . 明智的; 可取的
[2] . 呈交
[3] . 現在的
[4] . 正式的
[5] . 安全取得
[6] . 平順地
[7] . 必要地
[8] . 重要的
[9] . 資歷
[10] . 履歷表

8.     過渡時期:名. transition

〔例句〕In this transition period, I’m asking the full cooperation and enthusiastic[1] collaboration from each of our employees and departments. There is no such thing as a small potato or a dead-end job. Everyone plays an indispensible[2] role in this giant organization. Rest assured that[3] what you’re doing is reasonably[4] rewarded and clearly recorded[5] for the future career development.

[1] . 熱誠的
[2] . 不可或缺的 = necessary = essential = required
[3] . 請放心+子句
[4] . 合理地
[5] . 記錄

9.     歡送會:慣. farewell party
10.  跳槽():名. job-hopper; . jump ship; /. job-hop
11.  挖角:動. (to) poach/(head)hunt/tap
12.  找工作:慣. job hunting/searching/seeking
13.  人員流動率:慣. turnover rate

〔例句〕The good news lies in[1] that our turnover rate in the retailing outlets  has been significantly shrink in the past quarter. It means our new training methods[2], including a solid[3] orientation week, towards/on/about/regarding those new hands, have eventually[4] worked out[5]. We attributed this to[6] our HR department head, Jane. While she’s retiring soon, a farewell party for her will be hold [7]officially in the Hyatt Hotel tomorrow evening.

[1] . 在於 =
[2] . 辦法
[3] . 堅實的
[4] . 最終的; 終究的
[5] . 奏效
[6] 文句. attribute…to…歸因于
[7] . 舉行

14.  聘用員工數:慣. head count

15.  面試官/專訪者:名. interviewer; ó 受試/受訪者:名. interviewee

〔例句〕Assuming[1] you’ve gotten a reference letter from a key businessman, you’ll have the better chance to find yourself a good position in the job hunting process. The interviewer would usually be quite impressed[2] by such referral[3].         

[1] . 假設
[2] . 打動; 令人印象深刻
[3] . 推薦=: recommendation

綜合例句一:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.065例句1》

綜合例句二:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.065例句2》

