2017年7月22日 星期六


1.     (簡報):動. (to) present; . do/make/deliver a presentation; =>簡報者:presenter

2.     演講者/來賓:慣. guest speaker; special guest
3.     評審小組&組員:名. panel & panelist
4.     /觀眾:audience
5.     &聽取(簡要)報告:動. (to) brief/enlighten (sb. on st.); ó . (to) debrief
6.     發表(演說):動. (to) make/give/address (a speech)
7.     彩排/演練:動. (to) rehearse; . dry run; walk through
8.     發送/分發:動. (to) distribute; . hand/give/pass out; give away
9.     圖表(解說):名. chart; diagram; graph; illustration(另有插圖意)
10.  (多種)圖形:名. line (/曲線圖); bar (/條狀圖); pie (圓餅圖)
11.  表格:名. table; tabulation
12.  報表/告:名. form; report; paper
13.  投影片:名. slide
14.  銀幕:screen
15.  字幕:名. subtitle
16.  圖說:名. caption
17.  /圖片:名. photo; picture
18.  影片/帶:名. video; film; movie
19.  紙本:慣. hard copy
20.  講義:慣. handout
21.  (高射)投影機:慣. (overhead) projector
22.  雷射筆:pointer
23.  白板筆:marker
24.  白報紙架:flip chart

25.  訊號:signal

  〔例句〕In today’s corporate event, there will be anew product launch presentation, followed by a speech. The former[1] one is presented by our Marketing VP; while the latter[2] one is addressed by a well-known guest speaker from the FIT. In addition, an interesting next-fashion-designer-star catwalk show and contest[3] will be held this evening. A panel constitute[4] by five professional panelists is going to be briefed well about the 20 finalists[5]. The audience includes our company staff, journalists, as well as locals living in the neighborhood[6].   

       英語課 】一書的P.155例句》

[1] . 兩者中的前者的; 前任的(=ex); 早先的
[2] . 兩者中的後者的; 後半部的
[3] . 比賽; 競賽
[4] . 組成; 設立
[5] . 最後入圍者
[6] . 鄰近區域

