2017年7月22日 星期六


1.     ///善用:動. (to) use/adopt/take/utilize/employ/leverage; . draw/capitalize/call on; take advantage of; make use/the most of

〔例句1Let’s meet to see how to take advantage of your strength and expertise to benefit[1] our company. 

[1] . 有益

2.     推行/執行&落實:動. (to) do/implement/execute/perform/fulfill/undertake; . carry out; . put st. in practice/place

〔例句〕We’re expected to implement this new strategy and make these new measures[1] in practice.

[1] . 措施; 作法

3.     發展/成長/培養:動. (to) develop/grow/cultivate/train/prepare

〔例句〕As a leading national technology research institute[1], we dedicate (ourselves) to develop the great scientists from generation to generation.

[1] . 學院 vs. institution機構

4.     超出/高於:動. (to) exceed/top; . in excess of ; more/better than; upwards of

〔例句〕Our stock level is in excess of what we’re supposedly to possess[1] accordingly with[2] the monthly sales forecast[3].

[1] . 擁有
[2] . 根據; 依照=: according to =: in accordance with
[3] . 預測=projection

5.     模仿/效法:動. (to) simulate/emulate/imitate/mimic

〔例句〕By emulating what South Korean has done in economic-wise[1] in the past decade, many Southeast Asian nations are transforming[2] themselves into the developed countries.     

[1] 方面/位置/樣子
[2] . 轉變

6.     激勵/刺激:動. (to) motivate/inspire/spur/encourage/stimulate

〔例句1This new incentive program is set up to stimulate our sales volume in the retail market. 

7.     敦促/力勸/強迫:動. (to) urge/prompt/push/press/force/compel

    〔例句〕The Labor Union urged this company to accept their requests in upgrading the safety standard and working condition in plants.

8.     監看/緊盯/檢查:動. (to) supervise/oversee/monitor/examine/inspect/check; . ride herd on; look over sb.’ shoulder; keep an/one/sb.’s eye on; look out for

〔例句1As the department head, you have the duty to oversee this team’s overall operation and ensure[1] (that) the corporate objective would be met precisely[2].
〔例句2My supervisor looked over my shoulder all the time[3]. This drives me nuts[4]. I really cannot take it anymore[5]. I decide to quit.

[1] . 確保; 確認 =make sure=be sure
[2]. 精準地 = accurately =exactly
[3]. 一直; 向來
[4]. 把我逼瘋
[5]. 我無法忍受下去了

9.   搜尋/尋找:動. (to) seek; . search/look/hunt for; run down; in search of; look 
      around; . on the lookout for

〔例句〕“You look quite nervous. What are you looking for?” ”An important document file. It was put on my desk. I don’t know why it’s missing now.” ”Take it easy[1]. You must just have misplaced[2] it. It’d show up[3] soon.”

[1]. 放輕鬆 = relax
[2]. 錯放; 誤置
[3]. 出現; 出席

10.  疏忽/忽略/錯誤:動. (to) neglect/disregard/overlook; . pass over (置之不理); oversight; negligence; blunder; mistake; error

〔例句〕We’ve committed a blunder/made a mistake to disregard your warnings before this crisis occurs[1]. Now, tell me how to make/put/set this right/good[2]. We’re all ears[3].   

     英語課 】一書的P.140例句》

[1]. 發生=happen=take place
[2]. 矯正成對的
[3]. 洗耳恭聽

