2017年7月22日 星期六


1.     /企業家:名. entrepreneur; => 創意家精神:entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial spirit

2.     白手起家:慣. start (a biz) from scratch/on a shoestring/from the ground up

〔例句〕Steve Jobs has been recognized as one of the best entrepreneurs in history. He started his great biz from the ground up. His strong entrepreneurial spirit inspired[1] many young men to create their star-ups in Silicon Valley.

[1]. 鼓舞inspire sb. to V

3.     事情回到原點(上次沒有成功):慣. (go/be) back to square one/the drawing board

〔例句〕The failure to buy out[1] the target company means everything goes back to square one. While the redundancies need to be sacked, to make matters worse[2], we’ll sell some of our assets to pay out[3] the US$50 million debt.  

[1]. 收購
[2]. 讓事情更糟的是; 雪上加霜= (go) from bad to worse=one disaster after another
[3]. 付錢

4.     知曉內情:慣. know/learn the ropes

〔例句〕You could ask Emily of this case. She knows the ropes.   

5.     保持耐心/不用急:形. (be) patient; . bear with me; hold your horses; don’t jump the gun; haste makes waste (欲速則不達); no need to hurry; take your time Ving (慢慢來)

〔例句〕 Hey, bear with me. I’m not crazy. I know what I’m doing.

綜合例句:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.169例句》

