2017年7月14日 星期五


1.      公司/企業:名. firm (中小型事務所); company; corporation; enterprise; business; .
outfit; label (尤指唱片公司)

2.      總公司:專. headquarter; head office
3.      分公司 (平行):慣. branch/affiliate company
4.      子公司 (上下):慣. subsidiary company
5.      母公司:慣. parent company

〔例句〕 (Being) Headquartered[1] at Stuttgart, Germany, Porshe AG is a global corporation with the world-class, prestigious[2], luxury[3] sports car brand, Porshe. Since 2009, Volkswagen group has turned out[4] to be its parent company. Porshe AG has set up[5] few direct branch companies overseas[6], however, in Taiwan, it has offered[7] Universal Motor Traders Ltd the exclusive[8] distributionship[9] since 1980. The two companies are close business partners on a long-term basis[10].   

[1] . 設總部於
[2] . 有名望的
[3] . 奢華的
[4] . 轉變成=become
[5] . 設立
[6] .. 海外地/
[7] . 提供offer (sb.) st.
[8] . 獨家的
[9] . 代理權
[10] 文句. 的基礎上

6.    部門:名. department (=dept.); division; section; sector; segment; team; category/group
7.   客戶/業務部:慣. account/sales dept.
8.   行銷/整合行銷宣傳部:. marketing/marcom (=marketing communication) dept.
9.   公關/企業事務部:慣. public relations (=PR)/corporate affairs dept.
10.  訓練部:慣. training dept.
11.  資訊技術部:慣. information and technology (=IT) dept.
12.  產品研發部:. research and development (=R&D) dept.
13.  財務暨會計部:慣. finance and accounting dept.
14.  稽核室:慣. auditorial room
15.  行政/總務部:慣. administrative/general affairs dept.
16.  人事部:慣. human resources (=HR) dept.
17.  採購部:慣. purchasing/procurement dept.
18.  客服部:. customer service dept.
19.  品管部:慣. quality control dept.
20.  實驗室:專. laboratory (=lab)
21.  茶水間/餐具室:慣. break/pantry room; kitchen/kitchenette; canteen (販賣部)
22.  交誼廳/休息室:慣. common/lounge room
23.  洗手間/廁所:慣. restroom; lady’s room; lavatory; toilet; washroom; . water closet; 


〔例句〕Hey, welcome to join BestTechnologyCompany! You’re witnessing[1] a young and vigorous[2] business which has just transformed[3] itself from a local start-up[4] with 20 employees into an international company possessing[5] nearly 1,000 staff. With the cutting-edge[6] online technology that’s relevant[7] to the public, our sales revenue and operational scale has been tremendously[8] expanding[9] in the world map. Therefore, we’d acquired[10] this entire[11] building as our head office this spring. 

In our organizational chart, there are totally 10 main departments, 15 sub sections, as well as the 25 districts[12] in this enterprise. As you can see, the first floor contains the entrance, lobby, 6 meeting rooms reserved for our employees and visitors. On the second floor, there are cafeteria, canteen, cafeteria, breakroom, common room, the Customer Service Department with the Product Maintenance Division. As for the third floor, the Administrative Affairs Department with the General Affairs Section, and the Human Resource Department, are out there. Next, the Sales Account Department, and Product Marketing Department with the Marcom Team and Training Section are on the fourth floor. What’s on the fifth floor? It has the GM office, Corporate Affairs Department, Finance and Accounting Department with the auditorial room, as well as[13] a huge conference room for the Board meeting. Then, the most essential parts of this company are located[14] on the top floor. They are the R&D Department with the Lab and Quality Control Section, as well as the Purchasing Department. Certainly[15], various[16] meeting rooms with dissimilar sizes are available between 2nd to 6th floors. Each floor is well equipped with the comfortable restrooms. 

Oh, tell you what? In the basement, the gym and shower rooms are established exclusively for our employees. The last but not least[17], 500 parking spaces are available for the qualified[18] personnel.  

[1] . 見證
[2] . 有活力的
[3] . 轉變 transform from A into B = turn A into B
[4] . 新興公司
[5] . 擁有; 持有
[6] . 最新穎的 = the state of the art = the most advanced
[7] . 適切地; 最重要的
[8] . 巨大的; 大量的
[9] . 擴張 = broaden = widen = branch out
[10] . 取得; 獲得; 得到
[11] . 整個的 = whole
[12] . 區域
[13] . =and
[14] . 座落於
[15] . 當然地 = absolutely = definitely
[16] . 不同的
[17] . 最後一點但同樣重要
[18] . 合格的

綜合例句一:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.034 例句1》

綜合例句二:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.034 例句2》

