2016年10月2日 星期日


1.        上班族/白領人:office worker; nine-to-five; white-collar worker

〔例句〕The majority of[1] white-collar workers consider[2] the proficiency[3] of biz English a essential[4] asset and required[5] skill to their career development.

2.        藍領階級blue-collar worker

〔例句〕The laborers[6] are termed[7] as blue collar workers, too. They are usually integral[8] to a society and/or nation.

3.        受薪階級salaried employee/person

〔例句〕Most salaried employees in Taiwan are dissatisfied[9] with the unfairness of the taxation[10] which/that allows wealthy[11] people to evade[12] tax.

4.   自由業freelancer; self-employed worker

〔例句〕With the leap-forward[13] development of internet technology and mobile devices, more and more freelancers, aka (= also known as 又稱為) SOHO, are emerging[14] everywhere in the world.

5.  公務員public servant/employee; government servant/employee

〔例句〕My parents are relatively[15] conservative[16]. They expect me to[17] work/serve as a public servant in the future. To them, stability[18] at work shall be the priority[19] in life. 

6.      外派員工expatriate (=expat.)

〔例句〕This global business offers/gives expatriates great compensation and support. That’s why many talents (out) there are willingness to/would like to apply for[20] the overseas positions. 

7.      後勤員工back  office (supporting) personnel; logistics team 

〔例句〕It’s not right to ignore[21] the value of back office personnel. Without their steady[22] contribution, we cannot get along[23] this far.

8.      派遣人員dispatched/contract worker/employee

〔例句〕 To cut the operational[24] cost, including the payroll[25], is the mainstream[26] policy[27] in most companies. As a result[28], lots of the office jobs are accomplished[29] by dispatch workers.  

9.     臨時人員temporary staff (=temp.); casual employee 

〔例句〕The trade show is coming. We need to recruit a bunch of[30] temp staff to look after[31] our kiosk[32] on site[33].
10.   行業/專業/職業industry; occupation; profession; expertise; trade; business; line of work 

11.   產業industry; sector

〔例句〕No matter what occupation and/or industry that you’re engaging[34] in, to be responsible for your duty[35] is fundamentally necessary.

12.   公家機關public sector 

〔例句〕 While the high unemployment rate prevails[36], many college graduates choose to take the national civil service examination (國考) to enter the public sector.

13.   政府單位governmental agency 

〔例句〕The FBI, CIA, CDC, and FDA are all categorized[37] as the governmental agencies.

14.   私人企業private sector/business 

〔例句〕In this era, it’s the private sector, rather than public sector, which is able to[38] create more job opportunities for a country. 

15.   服務業service sector/industry

〔例句〕 What the CSSTA (Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement) (服貿協議) will heavily impact[39] are the small and medium enterprises (中小企業) in the service sector.

綜合例句一:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.023 例句1》

綜合例句二:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.023 例句2》

[1]  . 大多數的 = most
[2]  文句. ……視作: consider st. 補語 = regard/see/view st. as 補語
[3]  . 精通; 熟練 衍. be at home in = be versed/proficient/skilled in = be expert/skillful in/at =be good
   /clever at = be master of=have mastery of
[4]  . 重要的 = important = crucial = critical = key =: vital =: fundamental 
[5]  . 必要的; 必修的 = necessary = requisite <-> optional; elective . requirement 需要; 要求; 規定
[6]  . 勞工 衍. labor 勞動(力)
[7]  . ……稱為
[8]  . 構成整體所必需的; 不可缺的 (+ to)
[9]  . 不滿意的 (+ with)
[10] . 課稅
[11] 文句. 允許 sb. 去做
[12] . 逃避; 躲避
[13] . 跳躍式的; 突破性的 =: breakthrough
[14] . 浮現 = appear = come out 
[15] . 相對上
[16] . 保守的; 守舊的
[17] 文句. 期待/要求 sb. to 去做
[18] . 穩定; 安定
[19] . 優先事項
[20] . 申請
[21] . 忽視; 不理會 = disregard = overlook = neglect
[22] . 穩定的
[23] . 進展
[24] .營運的
[25] . 薪資
[26] . 主流
[27] . 政策
[28] . 因此 = therefore = hence = so = thus = consequently
[29] . 完成; 做完 = complete = fulfill = realize = perform = do
[30] . = a lot of
[31] . 看管; 照顧 = take care of
[32] . 攤位 =: booth
[33] . 在現場=at the site=on the spot= at the scene
[34] . 從事; 忙於
[35] . 職責; 本份
[36] . 盛行; 普遍化
[37] . 分類; 歸類
[38] . 能夠 = enable to = can
[39] . 衝擊

