2017年7月21日 星期五


1.      年度員工績效考核():專. annual  /yearly employee performance evaluation / assessment

2.     年資:名. seniority
3.     留職停薪:句. leave without pay

〔例句〕 With the prevalence[1] of “working holiday”, more and more young office workers take the resignation or the leave without pay into account[2]. They are keen to[3] experience the unusual living journey overseas.

[1] . 盛行; 普遍; 流行
[2] . take…into account列入考慮
[3] 文句. 渴望去=desire to

4.     升遷:動. (to) be promoted; . get a promotion
5.     加薪:句. get a (pay) raise/increase
6.     轉調(部門/公司):動. (to) transfer (to)
7.     雙倍工資:慣. double time

〔例句〕 In this global business, to be transferred to work in some specific affiliates offices like BRICs Brazil, Russia, India and Chinamight be rewarded[1] double time. However, it’s not guaranteed[2] that the expatriate would definitely resume[3] the next management job in the head office once the two-year contract expires[4].

[1] . 報答; 獎賞
[2] . 擔保
[3] . 重新開始; 重返
[4] . 到期

8.     門檻標準:慣. (the) threshold criteria

〔例句〕 Seniority is not the one and only[1] threshold criteria when it comes to[2] the promotion in a profit-driven[3] private company. Typically[4], to be able to demonstrate[5] the genuine[6] capability is the most relevant[7] factor[8] in the top executives’ mind. 

[1] . 唯一的; 僅有的
[2] . 當談及
[3] . …-driven 為導向的
[4] . 典型上
[5] . 說明; 顯示; 示範
[6] . 真正的
[7] . 切題的; 關係重大的 
[8] . 因素

9.     (勝任)/競爭力:名. ability; capability; competence
10.  /牌照&證照&鑑定:專. license & certificate & accreditation
11.  關鍵績效指標:專. key performance indicators (=KPI)

〔例句〕Based on[1] the large-scale[2] operational platform[3] and complex[4] organizational chart, the annual employee performance review, which is conducted[5] in November, is vital[6] to employees in this giant[7] corporation. Each year, staff is given the exclusive[8] KPI. Whether[9] being promoted with a pay raise in the coming year (or not) depends on[10] if he or she could be scored[11] high by the local and overseas supervisor, department head, co-workers, and direct reports.

[1] . 基於; 有鑒於; 考慮到=according to=in light of=given (that)
[2] . 大規模的 (…-scaled)
[3] . 平台; 月台
[4] . 複雜的; 複合的; 難懂的
[5] . 實施
[6] . 重要的=important=essential=crucial=critical=: fundamental
[7] . 巨大的
[8] . 獨家的
[9] 文句. whether…(or not)是否會=if…
[10] . 取決於
[11] . 評分

12.  (升遷)企業階梯:慣. corporate ladder

13.  (升遷)(隱形)最高限制(常指女性):慣. glass ceiling

綜合例句:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.045 例句》

