2017年7月22日 星期六


1.    我請客:慣. it’s on me/my treat; I’ll foot the bill; I’ll pick up/pay up/settle the tab/check/bill/cost; =>這家店請客:it’s on the house

2.     各付各的:句. let’s go Dutch; let’s split the bill/go halves
     〔例句1Let’s see who will win the singing contest tonight. His dinner will
be on the house.
      〔例句2”I’ll foot the bill” “Again? No way. Let’s go Dutch.”

3.     ()一份:動. (to) include me; . count/add me in; ó . (to) exclude me; . count me out

   〔例句〕”Lisa, are you going to the company outing?” “Yes. Please count me in.” ”How about you, Joyce?””Well, I’m not sure. There is some family business going on. I cannot make up my mind now. OK. Just exclude me. At least, for now. ”

4.     內用ó外帶:慣. for here; dine here; stay in; ó to go; take out

     〔例句1〕A cheesecake, please. I’ll have it for here.
     〔例句2〕Hey, I need a cup of cappuccino. To go!

5.     團購:慣. group purchase/buying
6.     員購:慣. employee (discount) purchase (program)

   〔例句〕Employee purchasing in few specific industries can be quite appealing[1]. For example, people are usually envious of[2] those who work for cosmetic, luxury goods and/or airline companies. 

[1] . 吸引人的; 誘人的=attractive=: tempting
[2] . 羨慕; 嫉妒

7.     禮券/優待/折價券:慣. gift certificate; (discount) coupon; (purchasing) voucher

   〔例句〕 By joining the group purchasing website, we’re able to receive the valuable coupons and/or discounted gift certificates for shopping.

8.     偷懶/打混:動. (to) dawdle/dillydally; . slack/goof off; idle away
9.     翹班:慣. play hooky (from work); skip work; /. blow off work; skive off work

10.  打屁/閒聊:動. (to) chitchat/gossip; . shoot the breeze; chew the fat

    〔例句〕Employees who’d like to dawdle at work, play hooky from work, or gossip in the office are most likely to become the targets on the layoff list.   

      英語課 】一書的P.188例句1》

英語課 】一書的P.188例句2》   

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