2017年7月22日 星期六


1.      (公關)記者會/發表會:慣. press conference; media (launch) event 

2.      新聞稿:慣. press/media release
3.     主持人/司儀&引導串場人:專. host/hostess; emcee; anchorman/anchorwoman; master of a ceremony & moderator; facilitator

〔例句〕There news releases are prepared[1] for those reporters and guests who are invited[2] to attend[3] this press conference. Our Marketing Department Head will play the role as (扮演角色)the host of the media event.

〔例句〕 One of the most common[1] formats[2] to collect[3] the qualitative[4] data in the market research industry is the focus group (焦點座談會). In this workshop[5], the emcee is termed as (被稱作) the moderators or facilitators. Experienced facilitators are expected to (被要求去) have the participants[6] express[7] their feelings and opinions in a precisely[8] plentiful[9] way.

[1] . 普遍的
[2] . 形態
[3] . 收集
[4] . 質的 (n. quality) ó 量的quantitative (n. quantity)
[5] . 研討會; 工場
[6] . 參加者
[7] . 表達
[8] . 精準地 => adj. precise.
[9] . 大量的; 豐富的 => n. plenty (of)

[1] . 準備 prepare to V./for N.
[2] . 邀請
[3] . 參加

4.      促銷:動. (to) promote; . promotion
5.      促銷文宣:名. flyer (單張廣告); brochure (單本文宣); leaflet (折頁文宣); pamphlet (冊子); catalogue (精美目錄); DM (=direct mail 直效行銷=>衍生為寄送廣告單); poster/placard (海報/標語牌); billboard (廣告看版
6.      (商品)陳列:慣. merchandise; display; exhibit; . set/lay out
7.    電視/平面/電台/網路/戶外廣告:慣. (TV) commercial/spot; print/radio/online (internet)/ outdoor advertisements (=AD)

   〔例句〕A thorough[1] promotional plan, in specific locations[2] and timing, has been set up by our marketing manager. It contains (=include=comprise) the mix[3] of advertisements in the printing, electronic and internet media (平面/電子/網路媒體), the merchandizing shelves and posters (that are) designed for the stores, all kinds of printing materials that can be handed out to the target consumers in the main[4] commercial[5] areas, as well as[6] the customer loyalty program. A chic[7] membership card will come out soon. 

[1] . 周密的; 徹底的; 完全的
[2] . 地點; 地方=: place =: venue
[3] . 混合物
[4] . 主要的
[5] . 商業的
[6] . = and
[7] . 時髦的

8.   顧客忠誠度/會員制/紅利獎勵計劃:慣. Customer loyalty/membership/bonus rewards program  

英語課 】一書的P.079 例句》

