2017年7月22日 星期六


1.    上市//推出:動. (to) lunch/introduce/release; . roll/come/put out; put forth; . (be)
on the market; hit the shelf/market; come to the season

2.    退出市場/被下架:動. (to) withdraw/exit; . bow/pull out of the market; . off the shelf; (to) be removed from the shelves
3.     停產:動. (to) discontinue; . phase out
4.     (全面)回收/召回:慣. (total) recall
5.     市佔率:慣. market share
6.     上架費:慣. listing fee; slotting allowance
7.     開架式化妝品:慣. self-selective cosmetics

〔例句〕 With the largest market share, this self-selective cosmetics owner is allowed to pay the lower listing fee than its competitors (do) by this leading store chains.

8.     暢銷/熱賣品:慣. best seller; /. take off; sell like hotcakes; fly off the shelves
9.     搶購:慣. snap up
10.  現成/有庫存的:慣. in stock; off the rack/shelf
11.  副產品:慣. spin off; by product

〔例句〕This clothes brand is the spin off of this leading prestigious[1] fashion   house. Unlike[2] its classic[3] tradition[4], this brand emphasizes[5] its off-the-rack style and ready-to-wear efficiency[6]. It suits[7] the modern city dwellers[8] very much/well. 

[1] . 有名望的
[2] . 不同
[3] . 經典的、
[4] . 傳統
[5] . 強調=stress=highlight
[6] . 效率
[7] . 適合
[8] . 居住者
12.  仿冒品:名. fake; counterfeit; . (be) bogus; /. knockoff
13.  瑕疵品:慣. defect/flaw (products); /. a lemon

〔例句〕 As soon as[1] it hit the shelf, this new product was reported defect. Despite[2] the decision to recall and phase out, this brand is off the shelf right away[3] and has become the one with the shortest shelf life (架上壽命).

[1] 文句. As soon as…. , Sb….
[2] . 不管; 任憑
[3] . 立刻

14.  黑心品:慣. shoddy (goods)

〔例句〕China is accepted as (被視作) the country who least[1] respect[2] the law and intellectual property rights. In the past decades[3], local manufacturers have produced lots of knockoffs, which is a serious headache[4] of many world-class luxury[5] brands. Many businessmen have also released a variety of[6] shoddy foods and products, which substantially damaged citizen[7]s’ health and national reputation[8].

[1] . 最小; 最少; 最不
[2] . 尊敬
[3] . 十年
[4] . 頭痛; 麻煩事
[5] . 奢華的; 奢侈品
[6] . 各式樣的= all kinds of
[7] . 居民
[8] . 聲譽

15.  限量品:慣. limited-edition (products)
16. 復刻版:慣. replica-edition (products)

〔例句〕 The characters[1] in the new blockbuster[2] took all teenagers by storm[3] last summer. When the movie fans knew that the limited-edition action figures (公仔) would be introduced in July 18, they rushed for the Wal-Mart. Soon enough, all replica editions are sold like hotcakes. No stock is available/off the rack at the moment[4]

綜合例句一:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.077例句1》

綜合例句二:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.077例句2》

[1] . 角色
[2] . 風靡一時的電影大片
[3] . take…by storm 攻佔; 席捲; 風靡
[4] . 此時此刻

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