2017年7月14日 星期五


1.     門禁卡:專. access (control) card


2.     識別證:專. (corporate) ID badge

〔例句〕 Once on board[1], the new staff will be given an ID badge and access card. Without the two basic tools, employees would not be allowed to[2] move with liberty[3] within this organization.

[1] . 一旦就職後
[2] 文句. 允許sb. 去做 = permit sb. to V.
[3] . 自由; 准許

3.     名片:專. business card

〔例句〕 As long as you pass the probation period[1], we’ll make your business cards ready.  

[1] . 適用期

4.     營業/上班時間:專. business hours

〔例句〕 Our business hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. However, the typical working hours of most of our sales and marketing staff are actually 12 hours a day. 

5.     /樣本:慣. template; boilerplate

〔例句〕 To save your time and energy, we suggest (that) you could use the market analytical report template, which is created by the former managers, as the starting point.

6.     行話/術語:名. jargon; terminology; . language of the trade

〔例句〕 Technology industries is often filled with[1] a variety of[2] jargons and terminologies. This would scare[3] not only the layman[4] but also[5] the targeted consumers.  

[1] . 充滿著 = is full of
[2] . 各式各樣的
[3] . 嚇跑
[4] . 門外漢
[5] . 不但還有

7.     胸牌/卡:專. name tag

〔例句〕 In this formal convention, staff and guests are all required to wear the name tag.

綜合例句一:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.038 例句1》

綜合例句二:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.038 例句2》

