2017年7月22日 星期六


1.     會議:名. meeting; conference; convention (不常用)

2.     電話會議&視訊會議:專. conference call (=concall) & video conference
3.    召開(會議):動. (to) convene/initiate/schedule/have/arrange for (a meeting); . (to) call a meeting (to order)

〔例句〕 In light of the pricey[1] cost, most international companies has cut down on their need and frequency in sending the staff to[2] do business[3] overseas. Lots of annual/yearly face-to-face conventions are replaced[4] by con calls and/or video conferences. In general[5], someone in the head office would be assigned to[6] convene, organize[7] and coordinate[8] these alternative[9] meetings, among different branch/affiliate offices, through/via/by emails and phones.     

[1] . 昂貴的= expensive = costly
[2] 文句. send sb. to V sb.去做V
[3] . /談生意
[4] . 取代; 放回原處
[5]. 一般說來
[6]. 指派
[7]. 組織
[8]. 協調
[9]. 替代性的

4.     主席:專. chair; chairperson; chairman/chairwoman
5.     (待討論)議程:慣. (issue) agenda; . things to be discussed/confirmed (=TBD/TBC)
6.     提出(臨時)動議:動. (to) move (that) 子句
7.     我附議/同意:句. I second/agree. . I hear you.
8.     (提案/法條)通過:動. (to) be carried/passed
9.     (會議/政制)僵局:名. deadlock; stalemate; impasse
10.  中場休息//庭:動. (to) recess; break; . intermission
11.  結束/散會:動. (to) end/adjourn; . let’s call it a day/night; . bring st. to a close/end
12.  撰寫(會議)紀錄:慣. take (the meeting) minutes
13.  (會議)進行/繼續:動. (to) proceed; . go on/ahead/forward; move on/forward
14.  (會議/表演)長度:名. duration; length
15.  (會議/文章)冗長&簡潔:形. (be) long/lengthy/verbose; ó (be) short/brief/succinct/
16.  出席:動. (to) attend; . (be) present; . show/turn up; make an appearance; =>出席者:名. attendee

〔例句〕In a conventionally[1] formal[2] convention, for example[3], that one in the governmental cabinet[4], parliament[5], and/or United Nations, there must be someone responsible for taking and recording the meeting minutes. After the chairperson announces[6] (that) this meeting’s opening, the pre-issued agenda, one by one, would be discussed and voted[7] by all participants[8]. While some controversial[9] bills are passed or denied[10], attendees are given the right to move new solutions[11] if time permits[12]. Those who see this eye to eye with[13] the initiator[14] may express[15] “I second” on the spot. However, it’s not uncommon to[16] encounter[17] the deadlock during a conference. Whenever it/this happens[18], the chairman might order a recess or adjourn the meeting should[19] the atmosphere[20] would become quite tense[21].

[1]. 傳統性地
[2]. 正式的
[3]. 比方說=for instance=such as=e.g.
[4]. 內閣
[5]. 國會
[6]. 宣佈
[7]. 投票
[8]. 參加者
[9]. 有爭議性的
[10]. 抵制; 否定
[11]. 解決方案
[12]. 若時間上許可
[13]. 看法一致
[14]. 發起者
[15]. 表達
[16]文句. 這並非不常見
[17]. 遭遇
[18]文句. 每當這一發生
[19]. 如果=if=assuming=provided=providing
[20]. 氣氛; 氛圍
[21]. 拉緊的; 繃緊的

17.  缺席:形. (be) absent; =>缺席者:名. absentee

〔例句〕 Once a corporate meeting is allowed to go ahead, keep this in mind that[1] the duration is one of the key factors[2] that effects[3] whether a conference could be successful or not. A lengthy meeting would not only wasting the time but also repulse[4] the staff. If an executive who often fail to[5] present a concise conference, his subordinates and coworkers might try to absent (themselves from it) by making up[6] some excuses.         

綜合例句一:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.106例句1》

綜合例句二:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.106例句2》  

[1]. 銘記在心
[2]. 因素
[3]. 影響=influence
[4]. 使反感
[5]文句. Fail to V=cannot V 做不成; 沒達到
[6]. 虛構; 和好/補償; 化妝; 組成

