2017年7月22日 星期六


1.     取消(某會):動. (to) cancel; . call off

2.     延期(某會):動. (to) postpone/delay; . put off; hold off; push back; hold up; . put st.
on hold
3.     (某事)擱置中:形. (be) pending; . sit on; push aside; . put st. on the back burner/
shelf; keep st. in limbo; . can we table/shelve this?
4.     跳過(某會):動. (to) skip
5.     提前(某會):片. bring forward; move up
6.     /插入(某會):片. squeeze in
7.     (某會)時段:名. slot; block; session
8.     (某會)改期:動. (to) reschedule; . take a rain check

〔例句〕We’ve intended to[1] interview this legendary[2] businessman for a long time. But it’s really difficult to make a practical appointment with[3] him. Given[4] his busy workload, frequent trips, and energetic lifestyle, his executive secretary is often required to reschedule his meeting session. To call off, hold off, move up, squeeze in and even skip the meetings aren’t all rarely[5] seen. Hence, our intention is still pending.      

綜合例句一:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.104例句1》

綜合例句二:《請參閱Clare首本出版商英工具書:【商務英語的秘密:學校老師不教的12堂商務英語課 】一書的P.104例句2》  

[1] 文句. 傾向去=tend to=: plan to . intention. n. 意圖vs. intension. n. 強度; 加劇 
[2] . 傳奇性的
[3] . 相約
[4] . 考慮到
[5] . 很少地; 幾乎不=: seldom=: barely

