2017年7月22日 星期六


1.     協助/幫忙/促進/有益於:動. (to) help/assist/promote/facilitate/foster; . (be) helpful/instrumental/beneficial/conducive (for)

〔例句〕Mike’s been instrumental for assisting this semi-conductor corporation to establish its world-class plant.

2.     指出&鎖定/聚焦:動. (to) pinpoint; . point out; focus/concentrate/target/zero 
      in on; lock down; . put sb.’s finger on

 〔例句1〕The detective pinpointed (that) this story doesn’t add up[1].
〔例句2〕The President’s instructed us to concentrate on the development of wearable technology[1]. It is the next battlefield in terms of[2] the 3C technology market.

[1]. 穿戴裝置科技
[2]. 而言

[1]. 合情理 = make sense

3.     支持/擁護:動. (to) support/uphold/bolster; . back sb. up; . get/have a leg-up (on)

〔例句〕Lots of youth uphold the street protest[1] which aim to fight for[2] the genuine democracy in HK. 

[1]. 示威; 抗議
[2]. 而戰/奮鬥

4.     遵行/聽從/堅守:動. (to) follow/obey; . abide/go by; defer to; comply/stick with; in compliance with; conform/stick/keep/adhere to

〔例句〕As a long-established[1] business engaging in[2] the food industry, we must always defer to the corporate motto[3] and legal[4] restrictions[5].

[1]. 歷史悠久的
[2]. 著手; 從事
[3]. 座右銘; 訓言; 警語
[4]. 法律的
[5]. 限制

5.     勝過/優於/sb.//多:動. (to) surpass/overtake/outstrip/outdo; =>使失色:動(to) eclipse/outshine

〔例句1〕The fact that small companies sometimes would outstrip their giant rivals in many aspects[1] is due to the flexibility in the business operation and focus in the product R&D.

〔例句2〕This movie star has eventually[1] showed her face[2] in this event. Her stunning[3] beauty eclipsed the rest of female guests.

[1]. 方面; 範圍

6.     加速:動. (to) expedite/quicken/precipitate; . speed up; ó slow down

〔例句〕 We’d like you to expedite your payment for this invoice. It’s actually due last week.

[1]. 最終地
[2]. 露臉; 出席
[3]. 令人驚豔的美麗

7.     扼止/妨礙:動. (to) impede/obstruct/hamper/hobble/curb/block; hold back
8.     惡化/變差/退步:動. (to) worsen/deteriorate/degenerate

    〔例句〕The income and salary level of the people in the mid and bottom are9.   

9.  改善/進展:動. (to) improve/better/ ameliorate/meliorate/perfect; . make (a) progress

〔例句〕With the working condition’s  improvement, we’re making huge progress in our business operation. 

10.  最大化&最小化&最佳化:動. (to) maximize & minimize & optimize

     英語課 】一書的P.123例句》

